The ENC will provide an inclusive open forum for public discussion of issues concerning the community of Encino. Working with respect and dignity of expression of all viewpoints, free from harrassment, for all individuals and groups involved in Encino.
The Encino Neighborhood Council (ENC) is managed by a governing body comprised of elected volunteers from Encino. The ENC was designed to give stakeholders, who are residents, businessowners, employees, members of organizations, and other community members a forum for addressing issues important to Encino. The ENC, formerly known as the Encino Community Council, was certified by the City of Los Angeles on October 8, 2002, and the first election of the Board was held in July 2003.
The ENC Board Meetings are usually held at 7:00pm on the fourth Wednesday of each month (with the exception of holiday schedules). Meetings are typically held at the Encino Community Center, located at 4935 Balboa Boulevard, Encino, CA 91316. Light refreshments with a meet and greet begin at 6:30pm. Please note the location + date/time are subject to change, and to check the website and/or agenda posted to verify location + date/time.
Meetings are open to the public and give stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions, comment, and get more information about local developments, including getting more involved with the ENC. In addition to the General Board Meetings, the ENC has many focused committees which meet to discuss various specific neighborhood issues--stakeholders are encouraged to join these committees (seats are based on availability). All ENC committee meetings are open to the public. To find out more information about ENC committees and meetings, please visit the Committees and/or Calendar section of the website.
Your Neighborhood! ​Your City! Your Voice!
Help Make Encino Neighborhood Council Truly Reflective of Our Community
Get Involved with the Encino Neighborhood Council
Together We Can Make Our Community a Better Place to Live, Work, and Play
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead
For more information please email: [email protected], or call 747-282-0450
Encino Neighborhood Council (ENC) Boundaries
North - Victory Boulevard, South - Mulholland Drive, East - the 405 Freeway, West -Lindley Avenue to its terminus, then extends southwest (around the terminus of Lake Encino Drive), then southwest following the 91356/91316 zip code boundary (where the Avenida Orienta fire road meets Mulholland Drive)
High Resolution ENC Map

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